1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 5.

Okay, I'm back on track. Sorry I didn't blog last week, but I figured because I did 10 things the week before that it wasn't necessary to do 5 more. 

[1] God's sovereignty.
It's been a crazy past couple of weeks in the state of Alabama. In the midst of all of the brokenness, darkness, and complete chaos caused by the tornadoes, God is wise. God is good. God knows best. God is in control. God is sovereign. Even over the 300 tornadoes that tore through the south. Platt gave an awesome sermon last week and spoke out of the book of Job. Awesome book...you should go read it. Job's response to tragedy was "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." (Job 1:21) These tornadoes remind us of the sovereignty of our God. I also had the opportunity to serve in Pratt City, a suburb 10 minutes away from Samford that got hit badly by the tornadoes. I was overwhelmed by the amount of volunteers and donations. In all of this, God is being glorified. That's why I'm thankful.  
[pratt city, alabama]
 [so many donations. so awesome.]

[2] Momma C.
In honor of mothers day, I couldn't help but add my mom to this list. Gosh, I can't even describe this woman. First off, she is beautiful. I wish I looked more like her. She has the biggest servant heart and is insanely selfless. She's been through her fair share of hard times, but you would never be able to tell because of her love for life, love for others, and love for God. Mom- Nothing you do goes unnoticed. I will never be able to repay you or thank you enough for everything you have done for me and the other three kiddos. You have made me who I am today. I can only hope that I am a quarter of the kind of mother to my kids as you are to us. I love you so much. Saying that I am thankful for you doesn't even begin to describe how appreciative I am. 

 [above: 2007]
[below: 2011]

[3] Adam Kersh's music.
If you haven't heard of Adam Kersh, you are seriously missing out. Adam is one talented guy and he happens to be one of my very good friends from home. Adam has a ridiculous love for Jesus and one of the many ways he shares that love with others is through music. Out of all of the musicians in the whole entire world, Adam is definitely in my top 3. I'm not just saying that because Adam is my friend, I'm saying that because I mean it. Unfortunately, Adam does not have a CD out even though he should have at least 9 out by now. Anyways, I always go on YouTube to listen to him, but I can only listen to him when I have a computer. This week I found an awesome website that turns YouTube videos into MP3's. Now I have Adam Kersh on my iPod. Dream life. Thankful for this guy. Especially this week. 

[above: picture by Amanda Woodall. Check her out!]
[below: at the brook fraser concert]

[4] Hannah Leigh Hatterick.
The past couple of weeks Hannah and I have been reading the book of Galatians together. The Lord has revealed to us so many things through His word and through each other. It's been the coolest opportunity to sit down and dive into the Word together. Hannah's eagerness to learn more about Jesus fires me up every single time I talk to her. As we were studying, Hannah and I came to this awesome conclusion. We die to ourselves only with and through Christ because only He has conquered the sin that makes us dead. Insane! We were freaking out and still kind of are because JESUS IS ALIVE and so is His Word! Thank you so so much, Jesus. And thank you Hannah for being my twin. 
[above: we're the same person.]
[below: bid day. it was love at first sight.]

[5] Chi Omega. 
I don't want to be THAT sorority girl and ramble on and on about how awesome my sorority is and cliche stuff like that, BUT I have to for just a second. I am so incredibly blessed by these girls. This week was our last week of chapter which means it was senior night. The seniors went around and gave different pieces of advice to the younger girls and then continued to read their senior wills. I've never a left something a gathering so encouraged before. Goodness gracious, the girls LOVE Jesus. Almost every single one of the seniors advice was to not lose sight of Him. The cool thing is that they didn't even have to say that for all of the younger girls to know where their hearts are. Their actions show it. I really do thank the Lord every single day for letting me be apart of such an incredible group of women. 
[above: my awesome pledge class.]
[below: my chi o family. the best one around.]

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