The Lord is so good. Always. Every. Single. Day. Goodness gracious. I can't get enough. As I sit here and think about this past week, I realize that there is no possible way that I can pick only 5 things that I'm thankful for. It's too hard. So because of this glorious day, I decided to double it. So excuse me if I'm boring you all with 10 things, but it's necessary.
My heart is abundantly joyful today. More so than I think it has ever been. I owe it ALL to Jesus. On Thursday night I had the awesome privilege of sharing the story of the resurrection with my high school friends at Mountain Brook. As I was reading the Word, the Lord told me that I needed to talk about 1 Corinthians 15. I'm not going to go on a rant, but I just want to share this verse with you guys:
"For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins." [1 Corinthians 15:16-17]
Back up and read it again. HOLY COW. If Christ has not been raised, our faith is FUTILE. It is COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE. It serves no useful purpose. If Christ has not been raised, we are still in our sins. We are slaves to sin.
BUT (wow, what a powerful word.)
HE IS RISEN. (Luke 24:6)
WE ARE FREE. (Romans 6:17-18)
HE IS ALIVE. (Romans 6:8-11)
WE ARE BORN AGAIN. (1 Corinthians 15:22/ 1 Peter 1:3)
HE IS COMING BACK TO SAVE US. (1 Corinthians 15:23-24)
With that being said, I am FULL OF THANKFULNESS. Overflowing, actually.
[10] JESUS.
No words. Just greatness. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[9] Family.
There's nothing like it. Because we don't get to spend as much time together as we would like, due to everyone living in different states, our time together now is so precious. I love how the story of the Lord's redemption is represented in my family. It's so so so cool. These people are crazy cool. Every single one of them. From the fourteen year old John to 88 year old Bandaddy. I'm so thankful I got to spend all of Easter with them.
[the 7 grandchildren with Meme & Bandaddy]
[the girls: louisa, emmy, me, and lydiann.]
[the boys: rand, john, and haughton.]
[8] Campus Wide Worship.
I've never experienced anything like this before. The Samford University student body coming together as the body of Christ solely to worship and praise Jesus. My sweet friend, Lauren Barry, had the idea and made it happen to make the name of Jesus known. The Spirit MOVED on Wednesday night in Reid Chapel. I am so thankful the Lord allowed me to be a small part of a HUGE movement.
[7] Darby Sullivan Thompson.
When Darby moved to Gainesville in 8th grade from the small town of Vidalia, I did not like her one bit. You want to know why? She had it all. Everyone immediately loved her. I was jealous. Good thing high school came and I matured a little bit. Now Darby is my absolute best friend. Crazy how things change, huh? Even though it was a short amount of time, I am SO thankful I got to spend time with Darb. We went to Chili's and got a molten, naturally, and talked about Jesus, South Africa, family, and everything in between. My favorite thing about Darby is her optimism. She is full of it regardless of what is going on in her life. Thank you Lord for this friendship.
Saturday morning I got to study the Word of God with my mom. Double whammy, am I right? We studied chapters 5 and 6 of Galatians. My mom has so much wisdom, which was pouring out as we read together. It was such a neat experience. I am so thankful that I have a mom who wants to dive into scripture.
[my gorgeous mother.]
I can't say enough about these people. They are the most energetic, encouraging, loving, awkward, selfless, determined group of people I have ever been around. Thursday night we had our normal night of club, but it was different for me. I was nervous about speaking, exhausted from the day, and YL club was the last place I wanted to be. When I arrived at club I was greeted by big smiles, corny jokes, and hugs. They asked me how my talk was going and told me they were excited to hear me speak. They prayed for me and continued to encourage me. They did it without even trying to. It was just the outpour of Jesus in their hearts. I am so thankful I get to hang out with these crazy kids every Thursday night.
[claire cole, danny price, jeff vincent, hardy reynolds, me, and jennifer taylor.]
[not pictured: andrew dann and lauren strickland.]
[we miss you elise.]
Gainesville, Georgia. Sweet tea. Back porch. Momma's cooking. My own bed. Family. Friends. Sunshine. Lake. No schedule. Relaxation. Nothing else to say. I'm thankful for a weekend of rejuvenation at home.
[there's no place like home.]
[where i spend all of my time. the back porch.]
[3] Bible Study.
On Wednesday night we all went over to Stephanie's for a night of spaghetti and fellowship. This group of girls is becoming way more than just a Bible study group. They are becoming my community. A community that I can be transparent with and they will appreciate me for that. A community that is full of accountability and people who care about my relationship with the Lord. My time spent in the Word with this group of girls has been one of my favorite things about this semester. I'm thankful for this specific group of girls that the Lord has put into my life at this very moment. And I'm thankful for spaghetti.
[2] Emily Grace Griesbeck.
Wednesday morning breakfast club with Emily is the highlight of my week every week. Thankfully, that is not the only time we hang out during the week. Although Emily is extremely busy with nursing school, she is still so extremely intentional not only to me but to everyone in her life. I think that describes Emily perfectly. She is a selfless disciple maker. She cares enough to talk to people and not only ask them how their day is but also how she can pray for them. She is constantly pouring out and encouraging others. She is completely sold out to making the name of Jesus known. She does it in every conversation. Thank you Jesus for Emily's accountability, her boldness, and her heart.
[1] The Word of God.
You can easily go out to any bookstore and buy a Bible...the VERY word of God. How stinking lucky are we? Lately, I've been so hungry for the Word. I just want to eat it all up. It's SO good. For Easter, my mom gave my the ESV Study Bible. Words can't explain my excitement! I'm so thankful that I get to study the Word of God whenever the heck I want.
"For the mouth speaks whatever the heart is full of."
[Luke 6:45]